My first cross-stitch project!
It is of a goose meeting a friendly snail, from a kit I found in the back of a closet (circa the late 70s-early 80s).
I've spruced it up a bit by disregarding the color instructions. PhotoBooth isn't really doing justice to the pinkness of the goose.
I've hunted through the backs of all the household closets and found no more free 1970s cross-stitch patterns, so perhaps for my next effort iI'll make my own.
Browsing online I've discovered that most patterns are best appreciated ironically:
Also, many seem to be concerned with welcoming people to places.
Animals are also popular, whether offering encouragement:

Drunkenly declaring their love*:

Or just hanging out, striking self-satisfied poses:

*That bunny is going to be sooooo embarassed when his friends tell him about this tomorrow.
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