Or is that just me?
Anyway, we just finished our first week of rehearsals and right now we're in the bright and shiny patch where everything is fun and new and exciting. And because I'm a bitter husk of a human being who hates love (remind me to post about that later), all this happy joy of performance makes me think of last summer, specifically the parts of last summer when I felt like most of the rest of the company could take a long walk off a short pier, and take all the stupid costumes with them while they were at it.
One day, we were all sitting around backstage, sweating through our costumes, when somehow the topic of Harry Potter came up (I have this theory that the sort of theatre person who gravitates toward Shakespeare tends to also gravitate toward meticulously created fantasy worlds. Maybe I'll post about that sometime too).
Nearly a year later, I can't quite recall how the conversation went, but it turned into a discussion of how Hufflepuff was clearly the lamest house, and how humiliating it would be to be placed in Hufflepuff, and how any kid who actually wanted to be in Hufflepuff would be the Saddest Kid on Earth. And from thence we invented the adjective Hufflepufflian, for instances of rank stupidity and egregious laziness. The phrase "that's so Hufflepuff" was tossed around to describe thoughts of extreme lameness.
But the apex of this bored, sweaty and somewhat mean-spirited bout of Hufflepuff mockery (after we'd singled out the cast members who were obvious Hufflepufflians), was the founding Hufflepuff Community College.
And all of that was just a very unnecessarily long introduction to this:

I'll go ahead and justify it's creation as Photoshop practice.
1 remarks:
I am so hufflepuff it hurts. But I embrace my mediocrity and apathy.
I have yet to embrace homliness...one day...
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