And everywhere I frickin' went were posters of frickin' Robert Pattinson giving me the creep eye.*
There was the old classic:

This questionable sequel:

And the solo version:

I am really, really skeeved out by this guy. It's as though they did market research in order to find the only actor on earth who could make me more grossed out by Edward than I already was. As though they sent each other memos like "Yeah, he's good, but will the mere sight of him make Kitty Pimms feel like she needs to take a decontamination shower? Let's get the kid who never washes his hair in to read again..."
Watching him lurk behind his co-presenter at the Oscars, eyes firmly fixed on her cleavage, I wrote to a friend: "Robert Pattinson is still playing that stupid vampire! Why’s he gotta leer at every body? Get a new facial expression, Edward!"
I mean really:

God. I say it again. Get a new expression!

Eeeew. On second thought, just keep your face out of my sight altogether.

I give up.
*And he just did it again, because I went googling for pictures to illustrate my point
2 remarks:
Yes but if you are a teenager living in a suburb of San Diego and the guys at the mall aren't texting you back, Twilight is the most CONSOLING MOVIE EVER.
Despite that hair.
Is there some weird anti-beauty stance being taken in his old-man neanderthalic eyebrows? As if saying, Europeans are above American ideals of superficiality and visual "perfection" and therefore by me..."as a young American girl in love"...pining after him in all his iron wool eyebrow-ness, I am coming to accept lesser standards of beauty and therefore am expanding my image of myself beyond the Barbie and Ken dolls I was raised on?
Mind you, of course, I am not a young, American girl, I have twisted versions on beauty and physical attraction, and I have never seen these movies or read these books so I have nothing to base it on other than my pure curiousity as to why no one is pointing out the chaotic mess above his lifeless eyes...
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