A new Newt story.
This one is a birthday present for a girl who's turing three on Friday and getting a little sister any day now.
I never liked how children's books about coping with a new baby always end with the big sister/brother having a sudden change of heart and realizing that having a younger sibling is great, with the implication that they then would live happily ever after, and no one would ever fight or feel jealous or left out or sad again.
I never had that heart-changing moment, and I've never met an older sibling who did. So in this book, it's okay to be nice to a new baby just to avoid getting in trouble.
1 remarks:
Do you remember the part in Sideways Stories from Wayside School where the evil teacher with three ears becomes a good person because she uses her third ear to listen to people's thoughts, and one day she listens to a baby's thoughts, and she gasps because the baby's thoughts are so pure and innocent, and after that she becomes a much nicer person herself?
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